Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 2: Tuesday

We had fun at the PCC food packing event last night. About 20 volunteers packed 1,000 pounds of food into smaller bags for food bank distribution. This included lentils, oats, granola, couscous, rice, pinto beans, and pasta. Packing and clean up only took about one hour. Super fun and a great way to help the local food bank!

Breakfast today is a repeat of yesterday: Soy latte, oats with organic raisins
Total: $1.18

Lunch: Leftovers from dinner last night! Lentil soup, corn muffin and a brownie. I already calculated the cost yesterday.
Total: $0.00

Snack: Green Tea (.12), Yogurt (.45), Organic Fuji apple (.80)
Total: $1.37

Dinner: Lummi Island Wild Salmon (.99), Organic Spinach sauteed with onion and garlic (.80), Sweet Potato (.87)
Total: $2.66

Evening Tea: Total $.12

Day 2 Total: $5.21

Total for Two Days: $17.38 (Budget is $14.00).
I'm getting closer to the budget! I still have more leftover lentil soup and corn muffins. I'm hoping it will all work out by the end of the week.
Dinner, Day 2


  1. Your dinner looks really good.


    You can use the food and fitness journal to track food choices and view totals of protein, carbs etc at the end of the day. This site also has healthy recipes.

  2. So wonderful that we also get to share in your life! Beautiful food & volunteering too! Inspired!
