Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 4: Thursday

Breakfast: oats with raisins, soy latte
Total: $1.18

Lunch: Quinoa Salad (.78), Yogurt (.45), Carrots (.18), Banana (.25)
Total: $1.66

Snacks: Tea (.12), Protein Bar (.25)
Total: $.37

Dinner: Lentil Soup, Corn Muffin, Avocado (.50).
The lentil soup and muffin were leftovers and I already calculated their cost on Day 1. I still have some soup remaining! I always think it tastes better after a couple of days. The avocado was really yummy!

Evening Tea: (.12)

Day 4 Total: $3.83

Total for 4 Days: $25.01 (budget is $28.00)

Dinner Day 4

I'm starting to crave some chocolate! We'll see if I can do something about that tomorrow.

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